Create an environment that suits the needs of the new dog so they are not tempted by things they should not be getting into. Follow the tips below and you will realise you do not need many home repairs.
Get a Doggy Door
Pet door installation can be a way to give your puppy more independence, and at the same time free up the time spent having to let them out into the yard area. Do send your puppy for training at the same time so that they will get used to things around the house.
Watch the Floors
Flooring and wooden furniture tend to stain much quicker with a new puppy is around, so it is important to have potty pads or cleaners around at all times. Urine can have a detrimental effect on wooden floors since it can seep through underneath leading to warping. To protect your floors, ensure your pet’s nails are trimmed often and toilet train your puppy as early as possible.
Fix any Damage Right Away
Make sure you don’t let chewed up walls or boards stay in your home unrepaired. It could lead into a gaping one in no time, and it can lead to other safety hazards. We, the professionals at Handy Connect, know how to help. Contact us for more advice.